Community Foundation Helps SSV Continue to SHINE!

Sunshine Village is the proud recipient of a generous donation of $40,000 from the 2020 Stabilization Grant from the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts.  These funds will be used to purchase additional PPE, including Victory Sprayers, as well as technology for newly developed programming spaces as well as purchasing the equipment needed to continue to […]

Sunshine Village Observes Disability Awareness Month at WARB

On Sunday, October 4, 2020, the 439 Top 3 hosted an Observance for National Disability Employment Awareness Month at Westover Air Reserve Base.  Several speakers, including Sunshine Village’s Executive Director, Gina Kos, made up the presentation panel. Kos said, “I was honored to be invited to this event.  Sunshine Village is proud of our partnership […]

Letter to Families & Guardians Regarding Covid-19

March 11, 2020 Dear Family Members and Guardians, Governor Baker has called a state of emergency in Massachusetts to help government offices, schools and organizations respond to the growing concerns around the potential spread of Covid-19/Coronavirus. Sunshine Village is keeping up-to-date with all information as the situation unfolds and; most importantly, responding quickly to keep […]

31st Annual Golf Tournament – cancelled

Regrettably, the board of directors has made the difficult decision to cancel the tournament for this year out of respect and solidarity for the many businesses and partners that support us from the community. Please save the date for next year – August 4, 2021! Please contact Amie Miarecki at for more information or […]