Sunshine Village is now part of the virtual community. We have adapted skill building activities that strengthen our clients’ abilities to live, work, and engage with the community.

“Observing our daughter learning at
home reminds us how vital these skills
are to her sense of self.”

We have created brighter days for our clients, whether they are at our sites or in their homes. As we’ve reopened our buildings, we’ve observed new protocols and developed new processes to keep clients and staff safe.

“Each of our clients has work to do. For some
it is learning at home. For others, it’s returning
to the classroom or getting back on the job.”

Our relationships with our clients and their families extend out into the community. We provide enriching, engaging opportunities for them to experience life in a broader context. 

“Our son is never happier than when he
is engaged in a new experience. What a
gift Sunshine Village is to our family!”