shining for over 58 years

where every day is a GREAT day

An update from sunshine village!

Great Days at Sunshine Village

The world of Sunshine Village is so important to the parents who send their adult children off each day. We recognize this, and our continual goal, our unwavering promise and the gold standard we strive for is: Make every day a great day. In all of our programs and at each of our locations, Sunshine Village provides opportunities to live and learn, work and earn, give and grow.

We believe great days are made up of small moments that hold the potential for the largest of triumphs. A great day might take shape at work, at that moment when a co-worker says “thank you” for a job well done. It might happen the moment a ripe carrot is plucked from the ground, after being tended for weeks. It could come at the end of the day, when two friends hug good-bye before exchanging an enthusiastic “See you tomorrow.”

Schedule a tour today by emailing us at:

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That special Valentine's Day surprise? Sunshine Village handwarmers for all of our staff… and SHINE Time!

Another GREAT Day!

#valentinesday #sunshinevillage
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That special Valentines Day surprise?  Sunshine Village handwarmers for all of our staff… and SHINE Time!
Another GREAT Day!

#valentinesday #sunshinevillageImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

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Happy happy valentines


Gina and Nichole have a very special Valentine's Day treat for our employees today… and it includes SHINE Time!

At Sunshine Village, we’re proud to be an Employer of Choice—because it’s the little things and the big things that make a difference.

This is just a small way to say THANK YOU to our incredible team for all that they do!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

#SHINE #EmployerOfChoice #ValentinesDay #ThankYou #AnotherGreatDay
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Gina and Nichole have a very special Valentines Day treat for our employees today… and it includes SHINE Time! 

At Sunshine Village, we’re proud to be an Employer of Choice—because it’s the little things and the big things that make a difference. 

This is just a small way to say THANK YOU to our incredible team for all that they do!

Happy Valentine’s Day!  

#SHINE #EmployerOfChoice #ValentinesDay #ThankYou #AnotherGreatDay

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ThanK You for ALL that you ALL DO!!!

Happy Valentines Day to everyone at Sunshine Village enjoy your day

Clients in our Knights Program are putting the finishing touches on their Valentine’s Day cards, making sure each one is filled with kindness, creativity, and positive vibes.

Another GREAT day!

#friendship #valentinesday #GREATdays
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Clients in our Knights Program are putting the finishing touches on their Valentine’s Day cards, making sure each one is filled with kindness, creativity, and positive vibes.

Another GREAT day!

#friendship #valentinesday #GREATdaysImage attachment

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Keep up the good work

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An Update from Sunshine Village!


As Dr. Suess has told us, “We’re off to GREAT places! Today is our day! Our mountain is waiting! So we will get on our way!”

And – we invite you to join us as we continue to deliver on our promise of a GREAT day for all the days in 2025.

We are continuing to update our website. Over the next few weeks and months, you will see some changes – and we hope they make using our website a bit easier!

We have updated all of our Virtual Tours – so we invite you to open each one – for a glimpse of what we offer at our day habilitation and community-based day services (CBDS) programs. To see more, call us to schedule a tour!

We are out and about in our community – and we also bring our community to us! Either way, if you would like to join us – we welcome your partnership – for paid jobs, entrepreneurial opportunities, volunteer efforts, recreational access and to share your time and talents at our locations.

THANK YOU for supporting our mission of helping people with developmental disabilities to live and learn, work and earn and give and grow!

Together, in 2025, we will SHINE EVEN BRIGHTER!

programs & services

kind words

“Nathan loves the program! I wish I had gotten him in sooner. We all needed Nathan to find his spot. He did – it’s amazing!”

“Clients tell me that I’m changing THEIR lives, but they have changed MY life for the better.”

“I was very shy when I first came to Sunshine Village. Now I have more confidence, I am more social and love to learn new things. “

“I feel like a rich man. that I am sending my son to the best place that money can buy, and I am by no means a wealthy man.”

“My son’s days are busy and productive. He participates in a variety of volunteer, vocational and community-based experiences that are fulfilling. to him. After being in the program for over a year, my son still gives me positive feedback daily about what he is doing. He looks forward to going to Sunshine Village every day.”

“I like working on my Health & Wellness goals. Sunshine Village Staff help me make healthy food choices. We go for walks or to the gym for fitness”