To kick off April being Autism Awareness Month, the town of Agawam raised the Autism Flag and will be displaying paintings created by artists at the Sunshine Village Agawam program at the Agawam Public Library throughout the month. Gina Kos, Executive Director and Agawam Mayor William Sapelli planned the event and were joined by representatives from the library and school systems. Nancy Siegel, Library Director; Pamela Weingart, Children’s Library; Sheila Hoffman, Superintendent of the Agawam School System; Antonio Fazio, Director of Special Services; and Naomi Murdock and Brianna Roy from the Agawam Special Education Department joined Colleen Brosnan, Director of Day Services and Lisa Montero, Program Manager for the morning’s tribute.

Gina said, “Sunshine Village opened our newest site on Silver Street in Agawam only months before the pandemic and we were developing wonderful relationships with the Town of Agawam and many of its municipal departments. With brighter days ahead, we now are looking forward to begin working with them again – to transition young adults into our services, volunteer at the Senior Center and join the library in their wonderful events.”